We showcase the listing page of McNamara Orthodontics, a renowned Local business business located at 321 N. Ingalls St., Ann Arbor, ZIP Code 48103, Michigan. This business is a proud member of the local community, providing for customers in the Ann Arbor area and beyond.
As a premier Local business provider, McNamara Orthodontics offers excellent services and products that meet the highest standards of quality and customer satisfaction. They are well situated for residents and visitors in the Ann Arbor area, ensuring proximity to their services.
This business is listed under the Local business category in the United States Local Business Directory on BestYell.com. You can count on our directory for dependable and verified business listings across the USA.
Stay connected with McNamara Orthodontics through their Facebook Page. Join them for updates, promotions, and more information about their services.
Personalized orthodontic care using traditional braces, clear braces and Invisalign for children, teens, and adults in the greater Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Dexter and Saline, MI communities.
Welcome to McNamara Orthodontics: Personalized orthodontic care using traditional braces, clear braces and Invisalign for children, teens, and adults in the greater Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Dexter and Saline, MI communities.
Your smile is just one small feature that makes a big statement. At McNamara Orthodontics, we want to help make sure that your smile is making the right statements about you!
Our team works together to create a positive experience for our patients and their families. Dr. Jim and Dr. Laurie are uniquely qualified to care for patients and smiles of all ages!
Fun and lighthearted, warm and inviting, our practice offers the perfect environment for patients to relax and enjoy their orthodontic treatment.
Our practice utilizes the most advanced diagnostic and treatment techniques available today.
Passionate about their work as orthodontists, Dr. Jim and Dr. Laurie strive to provide patients with a unique experience offering a variety of treatments including Invisalign® the "braceless alternative to straight teeth." Our knowledgeable staff will guide you every step of the way through the new patient process. We offer easy financing options to work within your budget and bill directly to all insurance carriers.
A leader in the community, McNamara Orthodontics donates much of their time to supporting schools, local organizations, and most of all, our patients! When you’re ready to take the next step toward orthodontic treatment, please contact McNamara Orthodontics for your FREE orthodontic consultation and get ready to start smiling!
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